

英漢字典: get down

1. descend or bring down(使)下來

    The stairs were so steep that it was difficult to get the furniture down. 這樓梯太陡,家俱難以搬下樓去。

    I bumped into Mr. Wang as I got down from the bus. 我下公共汽車時,偶然遇到了王先生。

2. kill or destroy by shooting(通過射擊)擊落

    They got down two enemy planes. 他們擊落兩架敵機。

    The hunter got down a number of birds. 獵手打落了一些鳥。

3. record in writing 記錄下來

    Here is a telephone message I got down for you. 這是我給你記下來的電話留言。

    Get down every word she says. 記下她講的每句話。

    The teacher asked,“Have you got all the sentences down?”老師問:“你們把所有的句子都記下來了嗎?”

4. become depressed 沮喪;垂頭喪氣

    She soon gets down, but she just as soon recovers her cheer fulness. 她容易灰心喪氣,但恢復愉快的心情也很快。

5. depress sb. or impair sb. 's health使沮喪;使苦悶或損害健康

    The news certainly got him down. 這條消息肯定使他沮喪。

    This miserable weather really gets us down. 這鬼天氣實在令我們難受。

    In the end, the long hours of work combined with domestic worries got him down. 長時間的工作以及家事的煩惱終于使他的身體垮了下來。

    Difficulties,never get him down. 困難從來壓不垮他。

    It is not desirable to get down. You should draw lessons from the failure,keep up your spirits and do your work well. 垂頭喪氣是不可取的,你應該從失敗中吸取教訓,振作精神,做好工作。

6. swallow 吞下去;咽下去

    The medicine was so bitter that she could not get it down. 這藥太苦,她吞不下去。

7. kneel 跪下

    It would be better if you got down and begged for mercy. 你最好跪下來求饒。

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